Developing your Leadership Mindset during Covid 19
8th July 2020
9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Course duration: 3 hours
Additional notes for course: 3 hour session am
Venue: Virtual Online
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Aims and objectives
- to provide clarity on the role and value of powerful leadership during this challenging time and guidance on ways to be the leader you need to be
- to create a line of sight between great leadership and continued performance
- to underline the importance of emotional intelligence, managing yourself and staying strong
- to build self-awareness – get to know your leadership style, what your needs might be at this time, and how to flex your style to become even more effective
Who should attend
Programme is designed for leader/managers with responsibility for staff.
Course content
- What Makes a Leader – Share Leadership Quotes/ what resonates with you / Leader V Manager / What do Leaders do / Why is this important to you,
- Emotional Intelligence – “What distinguishes the outstanding leader from the merely adequate?” – Daniel Goleman / Research on neuroscience and the impact of positive emotions / Developing emotional awareness (ABCD) and emotional management / Developing a positive and proactive leadership mindset / Action planning in small groups
- Leadership Styles – Why is self-awareness important / Share research on the impact of leadership style / What drives behaviour – the behavioural iceberg / Introducing the leadership styles and helping people to select their preferred style / Small group discussions with guided questions to help leaders manage their own behaviour to be the best they can be at the moment (while still being themselves!)
- Authentic Leadership – being the authentic you / Why should anyone be led by you? / Discuss leadership shadow /the impact leaders have on people, especially right now! / How important it is to be proactive regarding your image and impact (and how to do this) / Leadership Aura; guided questions to help people find clarity on what they stand for and what they want to be remembered for / Commitment to leadership – how to be purposeful and deliberate / Recognising and creating opportunities for people to live the leadership aura they created
- Personal Action Planning
Skills learned
- Adopting a Leadership mindset- critical during this challenging time.
- How to be clear on and maximise the value they can bring to teams and organisations. This will include having and communicating a vision and having a strong sense of purpose for themselves and those around them.