Interviewing & Selection Skills
16th July 2020 - 17th July 2020
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
Course duration: 1 day
Additional notes for course: 2 morning sessions on the 16th & 17th July
Venue: Virtual Online
Not a member? Find out if your company is eligible here
Aims and objectives
Job Interviewing is critical. Learn all key Job Interview skills + demo on answering specific job interview questions.
Who should attend
All staff and personal that are looking to further their career and preparing for interview.
All staff that are looking to freshen up on the personal interview skills
Course content
Programme Outline
The Competency Interview
- Interviewing in today’s modern world
- Self-analysis of perception of interview performance
- Personal S.W.O.T. analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities & threats
- Brainstorming key characteristics of the ideal interview candidate
- Understanding competency questions
- How to build a Q&A Bank for the role
- Structuring clear and effective responses to typical interview questions
- How to prepare for difficult interview questions
- Sell yourself successfully
- How to tackle the “tell me about yourself” question
- Dealing with nervous energy – Techniques to aid relaxation and reduce stress
- Positive visualisation techniques to help build confidence – power posing
- Increasing personal impact by using your voice more effectively
- Using the power of pause to control pace and deliver clear well structured
- Using body language to create a strong first impression
- Interview Practice
- Feedback on personal strengths and targets for further development
- Negotiate the offer
- Action Planning
- Personal action plans
- Course evaluations
Programme Methodology
- Trainer presentation
- Training exercises
- Participant workshops
- Skills practice / role play
- Group discussion
Skills learned
Fully understand and apply the best practices and techniques to be successful in job interviews from the process to answering questions to negotiating job offers in today’s modern world.
There is no certification for this programme.