Resilience and Core Skills

Interview Skills for Interviewees

Course duration: 1 day

Course content

Workshop Outline

  • Interview Practice
  • Short individual interviews
  • Self analysis of perception of interview performance
  • Feedback and review of strengths and areas for development
  • Dealing with nervous energy
  • Techniques to aid relaxation and reduce stress
  • Positive visualisation techniques to help build confidence
  • Increasing personal impact by using your voice more effectively
  • Using the voice to convey a clear and confident style
  • responses
  • Using the power of pause to control pace and deliver clear well structured
  • Sell yourself successfully
  • Personal S.W.O.T. analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities & threats
  • Brainstorming key characteristics of the ideal interview candidate
  • How to tackle the “tell me about yourself” question
  • Interview practice
  • Delivery of “tell me about yourself” question
  • Review of impact created and how to increase this
  • Increasing personal impact by using body language to your advantage
  • Using body language to create a strong first impression
  • Using eye contact to build rapport with the interview panel
  • Q&A Bank
  • Structuring clear and effective responses to typical interview questions
  • How to prepare for difficult interview questions
  • Creating your own Q&A bank
  • Interviewing the interviewers – asking your own questions
  • Interview practice
  • Interview practice sessions
  • Feedback on personal strengths and targets for further development
  • Action Planning
  • Personal action plans
  • Course evaluations


There is no certification for this programme.

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